Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Not Today

Squadrons of geese
Flying in vees
Reminding me 
That today is to be seized

Time to plan ahead
Thankful I’m not dead
Preparing for the glorious
Swatches to burst into view

Then the cold hard scents
Of rotting leaves and 
Skeletal trees before the 
Inevitable freeze.

Flock off birds.
Not today!

Sept 2016


For three weeks.
On the road.
By the curb.
Where each day
thousands accelerate
onto the highway

She started out a cat.
Somebody's cat to miss
maybe feral, 
missed by her own
She's a cat no more.


My glimpse is just a blip on my trip
Each day there is less of her 
Each day there is less of fur 
One day there will be none.

No one stopped and scooped
"Not my job", we say
Pass by passively every day
These words are all that's left
Of a life that didn't matter.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Lightning Bugs

Fireflies flicker in the thicket at dusk
Winking in the warm breathless night
Little beacons luring mates or prey
Being neither, I delight in their display

I heard there were more this year
This evening bears that out
Sequins on the lawn 
before the dew settles

A week of calm before 
the Cicadas arrive to crow
The slow decline of summer

And the next turn of the page

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

The Dream Keeper

Bring me all of your dreams, You dreamer,
Bring me all your Heart melodies (2x)

That I may wrap them
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the rough hewn fingers
Of the world.

bring me all of your hurts, you hurter
bring me all your festering wounds  (2x)

that I may bind them
in cool white linen
away from the rough hewn fingers
of the world

bring me all of your fears you fearer,
bring me all your darkest nights (2x)

that I may wrap them 
in my bosom
away from the rough hewn fingers
of the world

Bring me all of your dreams, You dreamer,
Bring me all your Heart melodies (2x)

That I may wrap them
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the rough hewn fingers

Of the world.

Ami Bmi7(b5) E7

Fma7......E7    Ami

song adapted from Langston Hughes poem.


Chilly fall day
After school

A craving for tea
Not chai
Not coffee
First tea in years
With maple

Sitting in 
The ancestral 
chairs that
I inherited
And my dad
Inherited and
My kids
Will inherit

I think of 
Get Smart

Fifteen two
Fifteen four 
Fifteen six
And a pair
Is eight

One day
my mum


I hope
I never

The Cough

Woke up coughing
Shortness of breath
Felt I was drowning
Felt closer to death

Nothing seemed to work
I was gasping for air
Hard to remain calm
With death hovering so near

I'm breathing easy now
The coughing's settled down
But afraid to close my eyes
In case I really drown

I'm not ready to go just yet
Death knocked at the wrong door
I'm counting all my blessings now

And wishing for many more

Cherry Squares

I made Cherry Squares today
The legendary recipe

I only ate one (to test it of course)
Enough calorific value 
To power a generator
Or keep me awake.

When we were kids
We could honk as many squares
As we could get away with 
Avoiding my mom's wooden spoon 
Flailing at us like some 
Pathetic scarecrow
Doomed to failure.

I thought maybe the smell
Might bring her back
Or maybe the taste
Or the pride in seeing them disappear
Down the gullets of her loved ones.

Make this broken house a home again. 
My mum is gone now, almost two years
And that's just her body. 
She started leaving several years before that.

Her Cherry Squares (the legendary ones)
Aren't the same 
Without her around.
Now I can eat as many as I want,
And I only had one. I only wanted one
A lot less fun. A lot less magic.
A wee bit tragic. No strategy to beat
The sentry. No sentry, free entry

There they sit in the fridge
Waiting to be coveted
Waiting to be fought over
Waiting to be honked
Nobody here to honk them

It said "guard with your life"
On the recipe
Maybe that's why i can't sleep.

My family is all apart now. 
We come together for
Weddings and funerals
And talk on the phone
Less and less often. 
Too busy.

"If you bake Cherry Squares, maybe they will come"
Pan of dreams.

Better stolen.

April 7, 2016.

For The Birds

If it weren't for the sound of morning birds
My waking in the suburbs
Might be just an ordinary day

The birds remind me that I can hear
And I can think and be thankful
For small mercies

Cardinals and robins,
Finch and chickadee
And mystery birds that
Only people in Tilley hats 
And grandmothers can name

No mourning doves
Or mockingbirds today
Nor crows or squawking jay
A lone goose (probably silly)
In search of a V

Time to meet my day
And make the coffee
Lighter on my feet
Because I listened up.


I love the silence
It lets the music shine through
You love my music
It's my gift from me to you
From me to you


I love the peace of knowing
You're here with me
Being her with me
And knowing that we are free

We know our days are numbered
There's no time to waste
We've got to cherish every moment
Savour every taste
Every taste


Some battles can't be fought
Some treasures can't be bought
We've already been taught

What's right and what is not


Where Did The Words Go?

Where did the words go?
They trickle now
Where they used to flow
Where did the words go?

Damn the dam
That side door slam
That took my words away

The divining rod
Of the fresh and young
That showed me where
the spring had sprung

From dowsed to doused
Verbose to close
The Cat had got my tongue

It's not that I have nothing to say
Or that my passion has gone away
Mundane things get in the way
The trivia of day to day

A turn of phrase that caught my ear
Why did the words just disappear?
But look, the words are flowing here
The cool blue stream is deep and clear
Magically they just re-appear 
So I dip my cup and drink
All is well


Everybody Loved Nancy

Everybody loved Nancy
In a push me, pull you kind of way
Nobody ever knew her
Nobody ever came close

The loneliness of loose thoughts,
Random scenarios, and what ifs
Crushed her ruthlessly
Nobody ever cared 

The pews were full 
Everyone who didn't care
Caught unaware
Crying real tears on her grave


Christmas Ornaments

My Ornaments are gone 
Trifles that meant something 
sometime, somewhere
That tied me to tinsel memories
Of gathered pines and home
I left them on the curb of downsize divorce
I never missed them until just now
Four seasons into something new.
Her ornaments are testaments to 

Ordinary Eyes


You say your eyes 
are ordinary
Ordinary eyes....
Melanin loaded....

Mine are a fluke of 
Tyndall scattering
In the stroma
And larger
Deposits of collagen

But they see

Mine see yours 
Yours see mine 

unique, oblique, boutique
probes and globes 

A sight for sorry eyes

Anything but common

my Hands

My hands 
Are capable
They write
They play
They work

My lips 
Are capable
They sing
They play
They kiss


They are yours

Thank You

hank goodness for my open arms.
Thank you.

Thank goodness For the gift of time
Thank you.

Thank goodness You can count on me
Thank goodness that My thoughts are free
Thank you

I’m glad I woke up today
I’m glad I’ve got things to say
Thank you

glad I’ve got an attitude
thank you 

attitude of gratitude
thank you

glad there’s people
who listen out there
with hearts that are open
and minds aware
thank you

I’m glad I woke up today
I’m glad  I’ve got things to say
Thank you

grateful for the gifts I possess
thank you

grateful for all tenderness
thank you

grateful for the moon and the stars
my singing voice and this guitar
thank you

I’m glad I woke up today
I’m glad I’ve got things to say

Thank you

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Darkness Spewing

I’m sick to death
of death and dying
sick of tears, sick of crying
darkest days of 
dark November
urged to feel
and to remember

darkness spewing from my pen
ring around the roses
I’m tired of grieving,
sick of complaining
Of disbelieving and
no-one explaining
sick of this sky
it’s always raining
there used to be a moon, 
And now it’s waning

darkness rings from my guitar
this is what we’ve got
…so far…..
there’s crimes of gender
crimes of race
wrapped in the flag
such a disgrace
where’s do unto others?
and talking face to face?
you left me behind
I can’t follow this pace

darkness spewing from my mouth
lynching, flinching, happening
…down south….

under the radar and
under the sheets
too many losses,
so many defeats
bombs in the cities 
pounding up the streets
all we ever wanted was to
rest in peace

sick of second guessing
tired of being afraid
sick of learning lessons
tired of failing grades
I’m sick to death 
of death and dying
sick of life
sick of trying

darkness spewing very bleak
not so bad when you hear

… speak….

Nov 13, 2016

Who Can I Call Now

Three urgent messages
What could be worse?
They always said of love
Someone always leaves first

two short words
there goes my universe
Your heart gave out
My heart just burst

Who can I call now?
Danny knew everything
Who can I call now?
Danny was always there

Who can I call now?
He was my first call 
who can I call now?
he could spin silk

who can I call now?
who can divert me?
who can I call now?
why’d you desert me?

With news good or bad
Any time of night or day
He never let me down
He never pushed me away 

Who can I call now?
Danny's gone

Oct 23d 2016


Sometimes you shake a tree
To get fruit
But the fruit is easily bruised
Unless you catch it

Sometimes you have to dig
To find loot
That was squirrelled away
For some other rainy day

Sometimes you just need to hold hands
And breathe each other's breath
To understand and see

Without shaking any tree.


Ears strain in vain
for faint familiar tread
hatred reared it’s ugly head 
hearts ripped raw
heave sobs instead

empty boots 
that never trod 
on holy ground
side by side 
they make no sound

humble men
killed and stilled 
leave ready boots
never again 
to be filled

I see my father’s boots
and those are my teacher’s shoes
I see my brother’s boots
my friend’s and lover’s
stranger’s too 

I see my boots