Monday, 29 July 2013


This is my first Universary
Would have been my 24th Anniversary
I am awake and upset
My task today is to enter
What used to be my home
Which is now a house

I will sort what is mine
From what is hers
I will label what was ours that 
I don't want to argue about
I never want to argue about
I won't ever argue about

I will throw away and recycle
Years of dreams that
Couldn't be, that
Wouldn't be
And now never will

My ex is away on vacation
And the judge had his say
That while she is away
I can cull my effects.
Vacating while vacating
Separate vacations

I am eager to strip away
The ghosts of gaslit confusion 
that still make me flinch
Suffering the insufferable
Accepting the unacceptable
Tolerating the intolerable
Enduring the unendurable
Living the unlivable

My night terrors of trying to swim
With every stitch I ever owned
Impeding my movement like a
Huge wet gorilla suit
And the weight of the keys
around my neck
That open doors once mine
Choking the life out of me

Soon to be shed
Soon to be dead

Everybody knows
...... I tried......

I have moved on

My story is happier
than hers.

I walk in the sun away
From the gaslight
My shadow clean
behind me
I am catching up to 
Who I was 
Who I am
Who I will become
Embracing life
Embracing love
Unbridled passion
For all that my senses
Can feel

But for now
In the lonely
Wee small hours
I ache and vomit
All regret
And duty

July 29, 2013

Monday, 15 July 2013


I face the morrow with
Daunting dread
Hoping I can
Keep my head

For my children 
For my life
My greatest burden
A hateful wife

Not content
To just consume
My heart, my time
My very reason
She now commits
The greatest treason

And I just want 
what's best for all, but
I want what's mine
Not hers, not ours
Not theirs, not yours

My life is mine
To be free at last
But for this clash
The tires are skidding
Waiting for the fatal crash

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Of Her

I want to spend
All of my time
All of my love 
All of my gifts
With her, on her, in her

Wrapped and 
Our love 
and gifts
As one
With me, on me, in me

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


As long as I have eyes
And fingers that can touch
I want your naked body
Because I love you so much

Your temple that I love so much
So modestly protected
So simply worshipped by my touch
So wholly genuflected

Your body pleases me no end
The skin that holds you in
Sacred vessel of my friend
My soul must drink you in

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Some days my head pounds
And I am nowhere to be found
Crumpled face looking down
Letting everybody down
Not much fun to be around

Some days I battle through it
Nothing matters I just do it
Days like that, they take a toll
Half a life , half of whole
Some days I don't get up
Nothing matters, feeling whupped
Empty life, empty hole

Most days, though,
There is no fight
I am here
There is light
You rub my skin
And all is right.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Circadian Rhythms

We always stay up
Too late and
We always get up
Too early

I like staying up late
And getting up early
When I am With you

But sometimes I wish
We would go to bed early
And wake up way too late
To do anything else
But be together.