Saturday 28 September 2013

Bruised Lips

Bruised lips 
that taste
And tingle 

You make me
Want to sing

Gone before dawn
But soon To return
Back to the arms 
Where I belong

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Return Of The King

The king returns
Crusades are won
Dragons slain
Back number one

With one eye open
Expecting more 
Not trusting peace
Expecting war

Too, too much
This little plot
On which we planned
On which we fought.

Rebuild, repair
Resolve prepare
Reclaim, retake
Redeem mistake

Remember the dead
The life and lives
The blood that was shed
The twisting knives

Digging out and digging in
I stand erect
Begin again

For all my wandering
Scars and prizes
No more wondering
No more crisis

It's not a homecoming
No fanfare please
There is no triumph
No laurel leaves

Time to live
Time to breathe
Time to love
Time to believe.

Fear Based Living

Fear based living
makes no sense
To me

I was afraid.
I ventured.
Nothing bad 

Bad and good stuff 

It doesn't 
need me
To invent it
Predict it
Dread it

It's never
As bad 
or as good
as I imagined

I am free
I am breathing
I am loved
I am not afraid

Walking Dead

You say you've been there, done that
But really, where have you been?
You've got a drawer full of t-shirts
But were you ever there at all?

You say you've heard this song before
But what did you hear?
Was there any song at all?

You say you've ordered this before
But What did you taste?
Eating in a hurry, what a waste

You tell me you were taught it
But I don't think it was learned
Or maybe you forgot it
'Cause you keep on getting burned

You've seen it all, you've done it all
You've got the pictures on the wall
Europe at a glance
You've seen it all, you've done it all
You've got the pictures on the wall
But you forgot to dance

Thought you heard but were you listening?
thought you saw but you weren't there
You ate, you chewed, you swallowed
Thought you led, but really followed
I see through you cause you're hollow
You can stuff your souvenirs

Walking dead walking dead
Is there anything at all inside your head?
Walking dead, walking dead
Think you lead, but too easily led.

I Woke Up Hard

I woke up hard
Been wrestling with the world
In my dreams
Caught  between 
What is and what it seems
Things coming apart
At the seams

I woke up hard
Been shouting out
At shadows in my sleep
 Been Scratching, never 
Penetrate too deep
The cost of things that matter
Isn't cheap

Go back to sleep sleep sleep
You're safe and sound
Go back to sleep. Sleep sleep
You stood your ground
Go back to sleep, sleep, sleep
Get lost, get found

I woke up hard
With everything i owned
Stacked in the yard
Been trying to win,
It wasn't in the cards 
It's not my life
That i can not afford

I woke up hard
A miracle that I woke up at all
When sleep eludes
It's far too easy not to fall
When things get blurred
It's difficult to call

Go back to sleep sleep sleep
You're safe and sound
Go back to sleep. Sleep sleep
You stood your ground
Go back to sleep, sleep, sleep
Get lost, get found

Woke up alone
Too early and too late for me to phone
Too late for things to 
Ever be Patched or sewn
Forever to be guessed
But never known

Go back to sleep sleep sleep
You're safe and sound
Go back to sleep. Sleep sleep
You stood your ground
Go back to sleep, sleep, sleep
Get lost, get found

Love Abides

Sleep eludes me
But love abides
I breathe and believe
In future brides
Now rest is looming
Though she's not here
I feel love blooming
I feel her near


My best laid plans
Were put to rest
I wish I rested
Like those plans

Something cooking
Something burnt
Beaten by my
Pots and pans

Work before play
Musts before wishes
At the end of the day
Washing the dishes

Time Shift

When we 
gazed and stroked
and held and loved
Hour after hour
Minute to minute
Til the clock struck
And regretfully 
we'd part only
to text some more
Into the wee hours

And practical
Not much time
For anything
But dreams and

I was fit for a ring
Fit for a King 
In your eyes

To come....
When we know
And show and grow
And let each
Other flow 
The pieces 
Hour after minute
Minute to hour
Our once
Broken hearts
Beating as one
Until the last sun sets

Spoons Apart

Laying in beds
Wondering apart
Why you are over there
And I am over here

As if the fifty years 
we didn't know
Each other
Wasn't enough 
Wasted time

Knowing already
That you're mine
And I am yours
And that we are
Spoons that